Boulevard · Jackpot Mix Pack Tank 7, Dank 7, Tropical 7

14.99 14.99 6 pack 12oz cans (24 Case) 14.99 USD


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6.6% ABV

For the first time Tank 7, our prize-winning American Saison, is now available in a limited mix pack alongside our first Tank 7 variant Dank 7, Belgian-style IPA, and our newest player at the table, Tropical Tank 7. The Jackpot Mix pack is a safe bet for a winning hand...of beers.

Tank 7
Step right up and gaze into the 8.5% wonder of the world, Tank 7 American Saison. Marvel at our distinctly American twist on a classic Belgian-style: unveiling a surge of fruity aromatics and subtle spice, mysteriously mingling with big grapefruit hoppy notes, and cloaked in elegant effervescence. Tank 7 is a perfect paradox - simultaneously world-class-worthy and crafted for everyday - and curiously capable of transporting its drinker with just one sip. Whether it’s VIP or BYOB, five stars or dive bars…Tank 7 takes you there.

Dank 7
13 years ago, Boulevard set the brewing world ablaze with a revolutionary take on a classic Belgian Saison. Sparking up creativity again, our first playful Tank 7 seasonal variant offers an approachable ABV and a massive dose of resinous, piney hops by loading up this variation with 7 different hops.

Tropical Tank 7
This is a riff on our award-winning Tank 7 American Saison! It has iconic Belgian yeast esters of Tank 7 with a nice burst of Tropical fruit aroma that's made for summertime.

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